Agatha Ruiz de la Prada: An empire full of color

The woman behind the firm Agatha Ruiz de la Prada began to sound strongly in the Madrid de la Movida in the 80s, "thanks to the effort and dedication" , two factors that have made the Madrilenian become one of the longest-running designers in the Spanish industry, with its own universe that exceeds the scope of fashion, and with one of the largest international projections, now focused on the online market, offering licenses and locating in multi-brand stores.

The creations of the most colorful empire of Spanish fashion are tailored to art and industry . The creator has made her sculptural pieces visit museums and galleries around the world. And the Ágatha universe has spread to areas such as decoration or stationery. In addition, he has collaborated with different companies and official organizations in the creation of uniforms, costumes and sets for theater, opera and dance performances. The businesswoman has even devised Christmas lights or playgrounds.

"Color, optimism and joy" are, according to the creator, some of the messages that the designs of the firm transmit when they step on a catwalk, some slogans that have accompanied Ágatha Ruíz de la Prada from its beginnings to the present.

An empire full of color

"I've always liked to break the rules, although there are people who see too many contrasts of colors in my creations, it would not make any sense to do parades with pieces in black and beige, I would lose the seal of identity that has made me what I am now".

In the Agatha universe, which not only covers fashion, but also decoration, stationery and accessories, there are room for all kinds of shapes: polka dots, stars, stripes and hearts.

It was at 20 when the designer paraded for the first time, a date that recalls with "much emotion", although, according to the Madrid, "it was not easy to get the equipment needed to organize a catwalk" due to the "low purchasing power "With the one that counted in the 80s.

Today, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada not only has its founder, but her daughter, Cosima Ramírez, director of International Relations of the brand, grows and evolves little by little within the company, being last January 25 the the first time that mother and daughter, paraded together on the catwalk of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid.

Renovating or dying is a motto Ruíz de la Prada has in mind in terms of fashion, since for the designer "Haute Couture died a long time ago and today is the 'low cost' fashion that moves the textile industry" . fashion is constantly reinventing not know what will happen in the future, so we must be prepared for any unexpected twist , "says Madrid.

Mother and daughter, nail and flesh

Cosima Ramirez, meanwhile, mentions the "slow fashion" , a movement contrary to the "fast fashion" that proposes a sustainable fashion and craft, heir to the culture of our country. And it is that, for the heiress "it is a pity the little value that is given to the clothes that we buy", and exposes as an alternative "to design more special garments that last all the life".

An alternative that has resulted in the first collaboration of Agatha Ruiz de la Prada with ES Fascinante, a community that promotes the creative talent of Spain through a multi-brand magazine and online store: the "Cosmic Slippers", presented in the 2019 autumn-winter parade by Agatha Ruiz de la Prada at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid.

On this occasion, Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada and Cosima Ramirez not only left their mark on the catwalk, but also starred in "She's Mercedes Fashion Talks" , a fashion event to connect and inspire women, where mother and daughter have stressed "the importance of the role of women in the world of fashion".

Although she wanted to be a painter when she was a child, Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada realized during her adolescence that what really fascinated her was "going well dressed". Today, she has been at the helm of her namesake for almost 30 years and, after asking her about the daily life of a designer, she has the answer: "if you want to be happy every day of your life, be a fashion designer" . Unlike his daughter, whom he calls in affectionate "mouse" mode, which ensures that currently "is not a good time to start in this world." EFE

Publicado: 28 01 2019
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Agatha Ruiz de la Prada: An empire full of color
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